Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why, why do you do this to me.

Well I am late on my (.) yep. I hate it, it is not the first time, it has been late for a while now, but it gets me so upset. I keep waiting and wishing that the Lord answered my prayers and I might be preggo from hubby. But then I dont feel different. So all I can do is wait. AHHHHH so aggravating. I hate it. I had to go to a walk a thon from work, to fight diabetes and it drained me. I figured with so much walking, it would have pushed AF to come but no it did not. I hope that if it is going to come, it comes already. Sorry had to vent.


twondra said...

I hope she comes soon. (((HUGS)))

2momswithaplan said...

Hey there! I'm sorry for not returning your email. I've been kinda off since... well you know. :)

Isn't it funny how it works... we want AF to show and she stays away... but when we want her to stay away, she shows! ugh...

Anyway... I've always heard that the big O will help things along. I've heard that it helps a lot of things! Good Luck and hang in there!!!

rharris80 - from NW

The Pifer's said...

I found your blog through another, I hope it's ok if I follow you!

I am praying for you sweetie!!!!!

Lots of love, hugs and prayers-